Timely and proper maintenance of offshore, marine & wind energy equipment is of vital importance. At KenzFigee we understand that.
In 2020 KenzFigee launched a new service, the so-called TotalCareSM service package, offering clients total care of their equipment. Choosing the KenzFigee TotalCareSM service package not only provides clients the advantage of operating equipment without any concern, but more important reducing operational and ownership costs based on the benefits of being an OEM manufacturer.
TotalCareSM services implements a preventative and efficient maintenance management program to support client’s equipment through its operational lifespan to attain:
- Maximum operational availability
- Minimum operational expenditure
- Improving quality, safety & reducing critical breakdowns
TotalCareSM services provides:
- Regular inspections by multi-skilled engineers
- Condition-Based Monitoring (CBM) (preventive maintenance)
- Spare parts management
- Planned maintenance routines
Contact us for more information at: call us at +31 (0)75 – 6810425
- Complete OEM services 24/7
Benefits of TotalCareSM services:
- Competent and prompt offshore execution
- Real time equipment data analytics & reporting
- Reduction of unnecessary POB, PMR’s & call outs
- Dedicated onshore & offshore operational and technical support