World’s first wind turbine service crane suitable for offshore use
The next generation 30t up-tower GenHookTM up-tower service crane featuring new upgrades has been installed on the test pedestal at KenzFigee’s quayside in Zaandam for a FAT (Factory Acceptance Test).
A new unique feature of this crane is that it has been manufactured to also service wind turbines offshore.
Once the FAT has validated the proper operation of the GenHookTM up-tower crane according to specifications, it will be packed in just one 40ft container together with a Heli-HookTM up-tower crane and delivered to our client LiftWerx Europe in the Netherlands to start servicing wind turbine O&M work in Europe as the first crane of its kind in the European market.
Designed for use in offshore environments on offshore wind turbines rated between 1.5MW and 10MW, it is able to perform large corrective exchanges:
- single-piece gearbox exchanges, in the 1.5MW to 3MW range
- two-piece gearbox exchanges, in the 3MW to 5MW range
- generator exchanges, in the 1.5MW to 10MW range
- transformer exchanges
In addition the GenHookTM up-tower is used to install the larger cranes in the up-tower crane range, like the RotorHook and the BoxHook rated at 75 tonnes and 100 tonnes respectively.
If you are interested and would like more information on on- and offshore applications of our up-tower crane range, please contact us.